
Food and travel are, of course, essential to who we are.
A big (nay, huge) motivation for our travels is to give ourselves the opportunity to drink in nature's beauty while we hike. Hiking allows us to replenish our soul in the same way that food replenishes our body. Hiking through a forest, across a meadow, or up a mountainside are some of our favourite ways to truly savour life.
Here we'll share with you highlights of what we discover during our adventures; we hope you enjoy, and perhaps our musings will help you seek out and savour your next outdoor experience!
Scraps & Crumbs
Adventure Companies
Ruck Pack
We have never tried this product, but have read amazing reviews and are eager to try it during the next hiking season.
From the official website: Originally founded by Marine Special Operations Forces in the battlefields of Afghanistan, RuckPack™ is combat nutrition designed to help you stay cool, alert, driven, and physically ready to ramp up when needed. Nootropics are ingredients that provide the brain with the fuel it needs to operate at maximum capacity. They not only boost cognitive functioning, but also support mind-muscle communication and promote agility in the face of fatigue.
Adventure Companies
World Expeditions
When they say "world" they mean it. You can search adventure options by continent and country. Expect prices to start at $1,000 and rise to as much as $10,000.
They cater to all tastes: Adventure, Culinary, Families, Arts and Photography, Cruising and Sailing. We have never used this company personally, but have run into their tour groups while exploring Chile.
Adventure Companies

NOLS Expedition Planning
This guide for planning a successful trip from short or long, domestic or international, land or water-based, covers how to:
Research access to public and private land
Create a budget and find additional funding
Choose essential gear, with checklists for personal and group gear
Plan food and fuel requirements
Plan transportation and lodging
Learn wilderness risk management best practices